For the benefit of all

We are constantly seeking to improve the world around us by pursuing solutions that level the global playing field in scholarly publishing, volunteering in our local communities, and making a difference in the lives of our individual customers and employees. Through our actions, we are committed to fostering an environment guided by the principles of diversity, inclusion, and equity.


Fostering a culture of diversity, equity/fairness, and inclusion

Research Square Company’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is composed of three pillars:

We strive to cultivate a highly diversified workforce in all dimensions of our organization and across the entire employee lifecycle. We exhibit our commitment to this goal through the following actions:


We are committed to providing fair opportunities for all our employees. We strive to do this by taking the following actions:


We aim to foster a culture in which all people feel included, valued, and comfortable bringing their authentic selves to work. As a member of the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications, we plan to achieve this goal by taking the following actions:

Our Promises
Shashi Mudunuri
Years ago, we made a commitment as a company to diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) as a part of our hiring and employment practices, which we will continue to build on as we all learn together.  We stand with our colleagues of color and with all groups that have been marginalized and treated unfairly in our society.

- Shashi Mudunuri, Founder

From the Square

Rachel Burley
Research Square Company’s Position on the Crisis in Ukraine

Research Square Company stands united in solidarity with the world’s scientists, academic organizations, companies, and nations condemning the horrific actions taking place in Ukraine. 

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Rachel Burley
Eight Ways We’re Changing Our Hiring Practices to Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As our company has advanced over the years, so too has our focus on DEI. Learn about the eight ways we’re changing our hiring practices to become more DEI-focused in this latest article by our president, Rachel Burley.

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Phillip Bogdan
Boosting Voices: AJE and Seeding Labs partner to help developing world’s researchers publish in peer-reviewed journals

Through a partnership with Seeding Labs, Research Square Company is helping Dr. Fabrice Boyom and other researchers in developing nations with a new digital editing service at no cost to them.

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Giving Back to Our Many Communities

SSP Meeting


We are fortunate to be surrounded by many of our peers in our industry. As a member of societies such as SSP and ISMTE, we are honored to routinely host local and regional meetings that bring together other companies in scholarly publishing at our downtown Durham offices.

Contact Us
Researcher with pipette


Our mission to make research communication faster, fairer, and more useful looks different in some parts of the world than it does in others. We proudly partner with organizations like Research4Life, Seeding Labs, MARS, and AuthorAID to deliver free or reduced-cost services to under resourced corners of our globe.

Squares working at the office


While our remote workforce may be spread out across the country, we are headquartered in the heart of Durham, North Carolina. Our team regularly volunteers in the Triangle community at food banks, animal shelters, and in school programs. We also sponsor and participate in charity walks and other events.

Reach Out
AuthorAid logoresearch4life logoSeeding Labs logoMars Research Hub Logo
Growing our impact

Our DEI Journey

August 2019: What is DEI? We presented our first Lunch & Learn on what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is and shared the results of our first DEI survey.
August 2020: Call to Action! Leadership announced our commitment to DEI by forming an organization-wide, cross-departmental DEI Committee. The first meeting kicked off on 08/31/2020. Fourteen employees became our first DEI Committee members.
September 2020: Our Business Case We built our business case for why DEI is important for Research Square Company. DEI can improve teamwork, attract a diverse mix of customers, improve morale, foster creativity and innovation, strengthen employee brand, and support corporate responsibility. We started brainstorming ideas, and our strategic framework was identified.
October 2020: Our Direction The Statement of Commitment was finalized & delivered at our All Squares Meeting (ASM). Our goal was to create our DEI strategic plan in Q4. The DEI Committee grew to 23 employees by October.
November 2020: Prioritizing our Projects A total of 105 data points (combined) were gleaned from the brainstorming sessions and stakeholder input. Seven areas of focus were prioritized: recruitment, onboarding, data tracking, mentorship, career tracks, employee resource groups, and training.
Dec 2020: The Roadmap & Plan The 2021 DEI strategic plan was completed.
C4DISC logo
At Research Square Company, we are aligned and actively involved with the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC), providing editorial, planning and production support for resources like its Anti-Racism Toolkit for Organizations.